Nov 2023, we had the blessing and privilege to visit a remote community and have dinner with a local family… thanks to Nama Lucia. We noticed that there is not much out there such as stores, doctors, pharmacies, libraries and some of the basic conveniences that many of us take for granted. I gave a young lady with a foot injury the Tylenol out of my purse as it was obvious that she was in pain but there was no medication to be found and no doctors nearby. It broke my heart but also inspired me. The “privileged” in us complain about the most trivial things…minor inconveniences…but this community seemed genuinely content just to be with each other.

The Hardy Brothers Foundation, in memory of Robert Hardy and Ronald Hardy, is “adopting” that small, rural village of about 300 people here in Mexico called Pixyah.

We are pledging to create 100 first aid kits to provide to the families in January. Depending on the cost, I would also like to provide pizza and drinks as well. From my understanding, some of these communities have never had pizza.